Monday, November 16, 2009

African Inspirations

I have been painting Africa for years though I've never been. My most popular painting is Henry, my curious little ostrich who has been peaking out of the canvas at people for years. The above painting is titled,"Swimming Trunk". Currently it is on display in a local office but hopefully some day the right buyer will take him home.

I am packing my bags and headed to the other side of the globe. Literally. My husband loves maps and I bought him a globe several years ago for an anniversary. I don't know that any other gift has given him such joy. He often will walk past and point out Alaska and then with the opposite hand point out Africa. He is still amazed at how far across the globe we will travel. All I can think about is the torture. Some people call it a plane flight but for my hyper little body being locked in a tight, uncomfortable seat for that long is plain torture.

I am confident the discomfort will pay off. Seeing the animals I have been so in love with walking in their natural setting is a thrill to simply think about. Oh and yes, I will have my sketch book!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Double Latte with Room

I am not a coffee drinker. I always wanted to be. My grandparents drank coffee and it all seemed like a sweet, romantic way to start your morning. The delicious smell wafting through your cozy home. Sitting together reading the paper with light chat about your day. But I could never convince my taste buds as they reeled at the horror of the bitter liquid.

The above is an illustration I did for a show on symbiosis. We really have become a society completely dependant of the affects of this little bean. Connecting coffee and symbiosis was a bit tongue in cheek but it allowed me to create some fun coffee art.

I met a gentleman yesterday who is a hobby artist. He doesn't sell his work anywhere but he definitely had a passion for his work. His favorite I know, I gave him the same look. Apparently he went to visit his sister at work one day. She handed him a cup of coffee and on the lid some coffee had spilled giving the perfect outline of a rhino. He said he was amazed and he began showing it to people. Yes, everyone thought he was nuts. He rushed home and on watercolor paper began to recreate the image with his left over drink. His love for coffee painting was born and a pot of coffee was never wasted again.

I don't think you'll see coffee on my supply shelves soon but I admired his enthusiasm. I hope you see something unexpectedly arty in your day today.