Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's very popular in Europe and all over the Midwest.  It was one of my childhood chores that I actually enjoyed.  But here in Alaska it is unheard of.  The simple joy of hanging your clothes out to dry.

When I was working for Alaska Magazine years back I saw the sunny start to the day had turned into rain showers. "Oh no!" I groaned. "I have clothes on the line!"  My co-workers looked at me with puzzled faces. " Clothes on the line?" one repeated back to me.  "You know, I hung my clothes on the line this morning." Seeing that didn't dispel their confusion I added "to dry".  ( were these people born under rocks?) There was a long pause and then someone replied  "Wow, I didn't know anyone actually did that."

With all the efforts to be green and love the earth this is the most simple and easiest was to save money and our planet.  My sketch pads state they are created on recycled paper.  One I have says it was created using 100% wind power.  My watercolors are environmentally friendly and recently I saw new oil paints without all the 'bad' stuff.  Being an artist isn't always terribly green.  I wash my brushes in mineral spirits and have to dispose of my dirty paint filled water.  I do try to pay attention to ways to improve my impact.  No one loves the great outdoors more than me.

When I crawl into bed and the intoxicating smell of the great outdoors wafts off my sheets I know I have done the earth proud.  And I feel a bit of a kinship with all those other women out there in the world who are right now clipping their husband's shirts on the line.  It's simple, it's an ancient practice and it makes the earth smile wide.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Gina Edwards Super Model

Okay, I laughed a little when I typed the subject line.  I can honestly say I never had dreams or aspirations of becoming a super model.  But recently I had the priviledge of attending the Denver Art Museum's show YVES SAINT LAURENT- THE RETROSPECTIVE. This was the only place in the United States that it is being shown.  I was thrilled to be able to attend.  Yves was a fantastic designer and had a huge role in the women's libration movement.  The show included over 200 high fashion selections, drawings, a sample of his studio and an eye popping/jaw dropping fabric display.  There were film clips......MMmmmmm it was fantastic.

So, here I stand on a sample runway that was installed as part of the show.  Sporting my Royal Robbins skirt, Targer t-shirt and Ann Taylor jacket ( not exactly high fashion) I struted my stuff, awkwardly.  This room was dedicated to those would be designers.  There were bolts of fabric, manniquins and drawing tables complete with templates and light boxes.  You know I couldn't resist.

Here Steve puts down his editor/marketing hat and steps into my world.  Each desk had everything you would need to create your own clothing design.  To Steve's left was a huge cork board where you could put your finished creation.  It was just plain fun!

Steve's design is to the left.  No bad uh?  Notice the flirty angle of the hem line?  He even did a color check in the lower right hand corner.   Who knew he had that in him.  My design is to the right.  I wish someone would make this dress for me because I REALLY love it.  It was inspired by Saint Laurents Cocktail dress which was a tribute to Piet Mondrian.  (You should Google it, it is fantastic.)

Art and fashion really are married.  The perfect color combination, the interesting flow, the textute.  I am glad I was able to be in the right place at the right time for this wonderful show.  And if Steve ever decides to head into the creative world I know right where to direct him.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Inspiration from newsprint

I laughed so hard.  Of course the bear is fine.  I would not have been entertained if the bear was hurt.  In Boulder Colorado a bear wandered onto the campus at the University of Colorado.  Tsk, tsk.  After he was darted he did a free fall onto the mat and was transferred into a remote Rocky Mountain area with lots of oak brush and chokecherry, bear heaven.

I cut it out to send to my mom who lives in Colorado.  But I couldn't quit looking at it.  Why?  There is art in this photo. After rolling it around in my head and talking it over with my brillant manager/husband I had an idea.  I even sent out an email to a venue to see if they might have me present a show. What is the idea?  Well, I can't give it all away!

It's true, this bear had a bad day.  Although I am sure he woke up in the perfect bear spot relieved that humans weren't milling about ruining his foraging.  I am grateful for the photographer who hit the shutter at the perfect moment.  Now, if you'll excuse me I have some sketching to do!