Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Does Anybody Really Know What Time it is?

Are you humming the tune? I heard that song the other day while driving about. I don't know what year the song was written but I would guess the 1970's. If he only knew what 'time' would really become in the future.
I just spent a week on vacation hiking through the enormous trees of the Olympic Peninsula, strolling the beaches and enjoying the hum of Seattle and Portland. Time on vacation is a different beast. It's an animal you could love. Oooo look honey, it's 9:30 a.m. and we are still in bed. heeheee
But all vacations must end. When it comes to 'time' I have to put on my STICK super hero costume and make a pact. We here by agree to be friends to the best of our ability. I will not see you as my enemy and you will....let's be honest, time doesn't care about me. It mocks me as the red light holds me. It giggles when I leave late for an appointment and it rolls on the floor when a flight gets delayed. Here I am being so nice and yet it's hands just keep right on moving!
I digress. I will shake hands with time and convince myself it isn't out to get me. Projects will get done, maybe late. The bathrooms will get cleaned, maybe a few days later than I hoped. But I do know this, whoever invented our servitude to time should be beaten with a large clock.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Strange Request

Commission paintings are a blessing and a curse. The blessing comes from getting to take someones idea and make it come to life. The above idea went a little like this:

"I would like a portrait of my brother's family."
"Well, I am not a portrait painter but I can put you in touch with some."
"No, I want a portrait of his family as their personalities represented in animals."
"Oh, okay. Wait, what?"

Her brother is the rooster of the family. Her thin, fluid moving sister in law became the lizard and her nephew with his startled expression became a goldfish. I loved this commission. Her family takes turns hanging it in their across state houses.

Then come the curse paintings. The ones that sound like such fun and then as you sit down you realize you have taken on a hard assignment. Recently I agreed to paint a ninja being surrounded by angry ostriches. I know, you laughed right? So did I. But I have to confess my ninja painting experience is limited. Okay, it was non-existent.

It did finally come together and I rocked the ninja. The ostriches, well that is old hat for me but posed with a ninja.....not a request you get everyday.

I am glad I took on the challenge. The client LOVED it. And now I know I can do most oddities that come my way. What's that? A platypus on a moped? No problem!