Friday, April 30, 2010

Bike to Work Month

Signore Greve and Celli ride through Africa in the book, "If We Hopped on Our Bike..."

It is officially time to put away the skis and think bicycling thoughts. What has brought on this sport shift? Well, it is May which is ( insert trumpet blast) BIKE TO WORK MONTH!

This isn't just a Hallmark opportunity or a cheesy excuse to talk with a funny accent, think "Talk like a Pirate" day, no this is a month to consider if you can spend a little more time on your bike and a little less time in your car. Bike commuting is a great way to get a little more exercise. You know you have been trying to find ways to incorporate more physical activity into you life. It is a great way to save money at the gas station. Yep, I've seen your credit card bill. You can finally have those buns of steel. Swim suit season is almost here. So what is stopping you?

Saturday, May 1, 1-3 p.m. at University Center there will be a fun bike fashion show. Lots of fun bicycle items will be there along with discussion and suggestions all designed to help you work out the kinks that prevent you from biking to work. Problems such as, "What about my hair?" or "But I sweat like a pig?" Or maybe it's "I need to wear professional clothes." There isn't a solution that can't be found. After one week of riding into work instead of slurping expensive, sugary coffee drinks while sitting in traffic, you'll be hooked.

Come see me tomorrow at the University Center. I will be the one with the bike art and the bike t-shirt and the bike get the idea.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Define Creative

The Anchorage Art Museum had an awesome Star Wars display up for the last few months. Even if I weren't a Star Wars fan I would have enjoyed the show. Watching video, hearing what the different artist and designers used for inspiration was so interesting.

I had never considered all the different aspects that were involved in the making of the movies. The clothing designers, the artists that work with magnifying glasses painting to make the tiny model ships look dirty, the artists that sketch out creatures from other planets. The artists that create different worlds! You definitely felt you were in the presence of incredibly talented people.

They showed a clip of the artists walking through a hardware store. They picked up every little piece turning it, trying to see if it would make a perfect ship cargo bay or maybe a believable adornment on a princess' gown. They used Leggs eggs on the ships engines!!! (those Legg's eggs have so many uses)

Steve is a huge Star Wars fan. When I say huge I really mean HUGE! Here he is battling with Darth in the museum elevator. I adore my honey but I got to be honest, my money is on Darth Vader. I've seen Steve's Jedi skills.

Friday, April 16, 2010


This is the cutest cat in the world. Yeah, yeah, you're protesting that YOU have the world's cutest cat but, well, you are wrong. Pooh has perfected the precious belly flops, the playful batting as you walk by, the heart melting leg pat when she needs some love. In our 13 years together she knows what works.

Along with being the world's cutest cat she is also the number one offender in the crime of distraction. I love working from home. If I could only leave my home to play in the woods and then come home again I would be supremely happy. However, working from home takes an amazing amount of concentration.

My neighbor and I were visiting recently. He is a writer and worked from home up until a year or so ago when he took a job working with the museum on the expansion. That job is coming to an end. I asked if he would be back home working freelance again. He wasn't sure. Why? He explained that working from home is often fraught with distraction. Amen brother.

I'll just throw in a load of laundry. Oh, let me unload the dishwasher real quick. Look at Beezil's pleading eyes, ok, a quick walk. While I am outside I might as see where it goes.

So put those gorgeous hound dogs eyes away from me. Quit mewing 'love me'. Housework, listen up...I don't hear you! Now, if I could just get off this computer!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Introducing Chris Ayers!

After my blog yesterday I realized what a huge crime I had committed. I carry on about how talented Chris Ayers is and then never gave you a sample of his work! Above is "Polychromatic Hippo" by Ayers.
This art appears on day 114 of "The Daily Zoo". Explaining his inspiration Chris writes, "For this one, I was inspired both by tribal markings of certain aboriginal cultures and by the practice of painting elephants for festivals in parts of India. I would imagine an elephant or a hippo for that matter, would be a body painter's dream. What a canvas!"
I challenge you to look at that hippo and not smile.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Creative Juices

I was walking through my favorite used book store and I came across a book by Chris Ayers called "The Daily Zoo". Chris, who worked as a concept artist for the Hollywood film industry, was diagnosed with leukemia. On the one year anniversary of his diagnosis, he started a sketch book. Every day he would draw an animal. This exercise was a challenge in his self-discipline and imagination. His most important goal was to celebrate everyday. All these sketches came together into this amazing book.

This is an artist that makes me, once again, bow my head, hand in my artist card and say, "I am not worthy". Chris' talent is unbelievable! The animals are fun, some are serious. Some are quite simple while others have amazing shading and details. However, they all bespeak of his talent.

Chris explains in the book that one way he comes up with ideas is to do a scribble. He studies the scribble to see what his mind sees in the shapes. I did this exercise in the above sketch. You can see in the lower right hand side my scribble. I got lucky on my first attempt in that I could see a perfect, queenly seal in the scribble shape. Now, my talent is quite Junior high compared to Chris but I enjoy the exercise and the shot to my creative flow.

Chris' book is worth buying. His comments on how his illness changed his life are so interesting. The inspirations for the art are fun as well. The art itself is complete entertainment. As a quote on the back cover of book 2 says," inspires us all to crank up our creativity."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Enjoy Photos from the Book Debut

Here is the pre-show photo. GULP, I am hoping all goes well. Soon crowds were to arrive and start what was a wonderful and fun show.

Have you ever seen such a good looking cashier? After Steve's real job, he dons a tux and helps with the money at the show. I couldn't do it without him!

Sheylan's very first art show. Who can compete with such a fantastic, arty wardrobe! The sweet sounds of classic guitar lulled her into creative sleep.

I had a great time writing messages to adults and kids alike. Many of the book recipients are so little they can't even reach their bike pedals yet. It's good to start them young!

Josh Bell did an awesome job adding flavor to the show with his guitar talent

We had a nice selection of younger visitors as well. They all had opinions on Signore Greve's best travel destination.

The show was off and running and here came some members from the Bike Commuters of Anchorage. Having a group of cyclist show up at a bicycle art show is a little slice of heaven.

A big thanks to everyone to made an effort to come out to the show and support my new art endeavor. Everyone seemed to have a great time. The sounds of live music, art conversation and laughter is the best!