Friday, April 30, 2010

Bike to Work Month

Signore Greve and Celli ride through Africa in the book, "If We Hopped on Our Bike..."

It is officially time to put away the skis and think bicycling thoughts. What has brought on this sport shift? Well, it is May which is ( insert trumpet blast) BIKE TO WORK MONTH!

This isn't just a Hallmark opportunity or a cheesy excuse to talk with a funny accent, think "Talk like a Pirate" day, no this is a month to consider if you can spend a little more time on your bike and a little less time in your car. Bike commuting is a great way to get a little more exercise. You know you have been trying to find ways to incorporate more physical activity into you life. It is a great way to save money at the gas station. Yep, I've seen your credit card bill. You can finally have those buns of steel. Swim suit season is almost here. So what is stopping you?

Saturday, May 1, 1-3 p.m. at University Center there will be a fun bike fashion show. Lots of fun bicycle items will be there along with discussion and suggestions all designed to help you work out the kinks that prevent you from biking to work. Problems such as, "What about my hair?" or "But I sweat like a pig?" Or maybe it's "I need to wear professional clothes." There isn't a solution that can't be found. After one week of riding into work instead of slurping expensive, sugary coffee drinks while sitting in traffic, you'll be hooked.

Come see me tomorrow at the University Center. I will be the one with the bike art and the bike t-shirt and the bike get the idea.

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