Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ready for the Show

My drawing table is cluttered with bolts, JB Weld goo and clamps. This year for the annual multi media show at the Girdwood Center for Visual Arts I wanted a TRUE multi media piece.

Ideas swim around pretty readily in my head, it's the execution that gets me stuck. The yearly 'Earth, Fire and Fiber' show at the museum always makes my jaw drop in awe. So many different materials put together into amazing creations! I stand there and think HOW???

The True Value Hardware store as seen a lot of me lately. Mainly because I hadn't a clue what I was doing. I would wander the aisles and walk to the check out with a confident stance. "It's an art project." I would answer brightly when the clerk would raise an eye brow. Then standing in front of my drawing table I felt ridiculous. I have never 'practiced' putting something together as much as I did this piece. And then to actually screw in the 'machine' into the painting. YIKES! Wine, I need wine. Wait, are you crazy! And blur your already non existent comprehension of this finishing process. I was wearing myself out.

Whew, it's done and I need a nap. I am pretty proud of myself. I really jumped outside my box and I learned a lot. You could practically smell the smoke of new synapses being made. Who will want to buy this quirky Brit on his home made bike like creation? I don't know but I had to make him. The reception is Saturday from 6-8 at the Girdwood Gallery. Come by and see it and other great works of art. Chair 5 provides our snacks and they are delicious.

Now,if you'll excuse me, my blanket is waiting.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Success of Failure

This comic sums up my current state of mind. In my quest to become a good sketcher and art journal creator I have been studying books on the subject. They all have this underlying theme, it's good to fail. Wait, what?

Okay, okay we all know we learn from our mistakes but does anyone really WANT to? I prefer to learn from OTHER people's mistakes. To stand back and watch them go up in flames and think to myself, whew, don't do that. But my own crashing and burning mistakes....ouch.

One author discussed making a mistake as a learning experience. She says," These images will act as trigger for your memory or will help you mark your progress t0ward being able to capture images in the way you want." She then goes on to show 4 ways you can cover an error in your journal without ripping out the page. That's right sister, who wants a 'trigger for your memory' that screams YOU STINK!

There is this stigma of being an artist. It goes like this:
What do you do for a living?
I am an artist.
Really? ( insert raised eyebrow with a hint of eye rolling with a splash of doubt)
As an artist you spend a lot of time convincing strangers that saying 'artist' doesn't mean you do performance art on the corner wearing a dog mask swaying in your underwear. Who needs permanent pages in a book proving their raised eyebrow?

So I am committed to (sigh) embracing my disastrous pencil strokes, my mislead pen scratches and disproportionate musings. I am ready for the success of failure.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Who is this artist?

Have you seen this great piece of performance art? Who is this wonderful person? Every winter after every fresh snow fall these beautiful lines appear on the banks of Minnesota across from the lagoon. They are perfect without footprints. Depending on the time of day, the light gives the lines different shadows and colors. Earlier this year I drove by after a fresh snow and they weren't there. I panicked a bit thinking maybe this mysterious snow artist had moved or lost interest. Maybe, I thought in horror, they think no one notices or cares! I notice, care and LOVE IT!

These are what I like to call 'art attacks'. There you are moving through your day and BAM you see something creative and wonderful. You smile with your mouth agape. You forget about your to-do list and responsibilities and just take it in. You try to think what you could do to make someone else smile and look on in wonder.

Yep, I considered this an 'art attack' as well. Moose are great performance artist. They create art and wonder by just being. Look at this scene! The mountain, the color, the silhouette tree. Wow, if only my paintings could be so good.
I hope your week is filled with 'art attacks'. They remind us that everyday gives us something worth enjoying and remembering. The coldest, bleakest, the world is against me day can change in an instant when we see lines carved into a hillside or a moose posing on a cold winter day. Keep your eyes open, you don't want to miss it!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Warm up Your Pens and your Pencils

This is a multi media piece I did several years ago. My goal was to enter it in the Earth, Fire and Fiber show at the Museum. I chickened out. After getting it all done I deemed it unworthy of the show and never gave the judges a chance to decide.

Stepping out into new territory is scary especially when it is such a expressions of yourself. But by having the goal of entering the show I did something I had never done before. I really am quite proud of the piece which has long since been sold. I do wish I had entered it.

Now is your chance to step into new territory. The Girdwood Center for Visual Arts is having their annual show for the public. This year's theme is " This and That". The rules are that your art must have at least two different mediums. So if you like to dabble in watercolor, add a little ink. If you are into photography do a collage with some added items. This show is perfect for those of you that would like to tap further into your creative self but just don't know where to start.

The deadline for art is Feb. 2 with the opening reception being Saturday the 4th. ( there is a shuttle so you don't have to drive to Girdwood to drop off your work) It is $5.00 per piece to enter and your work will be on display for the month. Who knows, you might even sell your masterpiece. Drop me a note or give a call if you want more details.

I hope I can get a few new people to participate. I remember the first time I presented myself as a wanna be artist. It is terrifingly exciting. Come on, add a little energy and art to your life!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Doodle me dingy

My second attempt with the lesson from the Doodles Unleashed free online class

It's that time of year! The time when Strathmore Papers offers their free online workshops. (www.strathmoreartist.com/online) I checked them out and signed up for a few. Sadly, they didn't start until spring and I was kind of looking for something new and interesting now.

I decided to check out the 'Doodles Unleashed' class. I am actually not a doodler and being the linear, A- personality type this free and flow-y work isn't my style. Which is exactly why I skipped it and why I then decided to check it out.

Recently Bravo channel had their "Works of Art" reality show where artist get assignments and a small amount of time to come up with something brilliant. I LOVE the show. LOVE IT! I think about it for days afterwards trying to visualize what I would have made. One thing I noted is how adept many of the artist seemed to be with a variety of mediums. I could improve in that area.

The above work is my second attempt. The first was a disaster. So bad I will not even show it to you. Normally I would have abandoned the whole project but I soldiered on wanting to force myself into something new. I look at this piece and don't see myself creating it but I did. And I learned some new techniques along the way.

Trying new art techniques is often frustrating. You get use to obtaining the results you want and when they fail, often miserably, you are ready to go back to what is comfortable. Pushing through helps you grow. Here is to a great growing season.