Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Until we meet again...

This is the newest creation off my easel titled, "Private Showing". 
What a weekend uh?  It was Alaska hot and we were all good and ready for it.  I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong.  My book and I were snuggled nicely in the hammock as the sun beamed down.  But still...
Okay, no don't be a hater but there is always a twinge of sadness when the snow begins to melt.  I love winter!  The quiet, the safety in the woods, the colors of blinding white with crisp blue sky.  But what can I do.  If I had been standing in a line for tea on May 18th when the giant, gorgeous flakes were tumbling down I would have kept me joy to myself!  Can you image the scuffle if I smiled brightly and said, " Isn't it beautiful?" Ugly, nothing but ugly.
Summer lovers have a hard go of it here.  I understand how itchy it is for them when the snow continues to fall in May.  But must I squelch my love for the last snow flake?  What's an artist to do? I painted snow and ice.  The polar bear and I commiserated over the demise of winter.  No more Northern Lights, no more hot chocolate by the fire.  No more brilliant days of skiing.  I get it, it's over for now.
I do love the heat from the sun it's true.  I will now hike with bear spray and slather myself with sun block.  Mosquitos will seek to kill when I walk in the woods and I will be happy. But there is still one tenacious pile of snow in my woods.  If you'll excuse me it's time to go and cheer it on.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Packing Their Bags

There really is only so many times you can hear the word "NO" before it starts to wear on you.  Sure,  you give yourself pep talks and remember all the hard luck to fame stories you know.  You picture yourself on Oprah telling your inspiring story of perseverance.  The audience tilts their head in admiration and determines to never give up themselves.  Then reality gives you a right hook.

Having family in Colorado makes it a perfect location for Signore Greve and Celli. Not to mention there is a lot of love of bikes in that part of the world.  And COME ON, who can say no to Celli's adorable face?

Lots of people that's who!  I had a long list of potential bike shops and books stores who I was willing to let carry my books.  But the 'no thank you' pile was high and my self esteem and confidence was but a mere flicker. 

And then I called Dave at Treads Bike shop.  "We don't do well with books."  Yes, this one I had heard many times.  " I know that is true of most bike shops but I have a formula for selling at shops that works!"  (smiling my brightest and most persuasive smile through the phone).  There was more back and forth before he agreed to take a look at my digital portfolio with a sigh.  I hung up grateful but not hopeful.  That night Dave wrote me with an email that started with the words.  "Okay,  I'm in." (cue the inspirational music).  There was the happy dance, the kisses blown from Alaska to Dave in Colorado and I even patted my self on the back for not giving up.

So if your in Denver and you want to check out a cool bike shop, stop into the one of four location of Treads.  Greve and Celli will be smiling from the counter.  Now I dream of an email that Dave sends that has the subject line, "Re-order for books".  Cue the inspirational music.