This morning my first phone call of the day was from a stranger. No, that's not right. It was an admirer. She was sitting having her coffee at Kaladi while gazing at the art. She decided she loved "Exotic Drink". She didn't have the wall space or the money for it but she sure liked it. So what did she do she took 2 minutes out of her morning coffee to call me and tell me so. Wow.
I love my ipad. I regularly take advantage of texting and today's technology makes being a profitable artist much easier. But most of the time it drives me crazy. Sitting in the passenger seat of the car and counting how many people pass us texting terrorizes me. Having many conversations with my friends while staring at the top of their heads while they are texting makes me want to strangle them. But today was different.
Having her cell phone handy she decided to call me and tell me, " good job". Before she hung up she said, " Keep painting". Thank you stranger, you made my day brighter.
That's really awesome. So good to hear about someone who enjoys and appreciates art and takes time to let the artist know!